Supporting tools

  • OpenEO
    openEO develops an API that allows users to connect to Earth observation cloud back-ends in a simple and unified way.
    ARIES is an international collaboration that has built, for the first time, a shared knowledge space to help address the most complex sustainability issues of our time, using the semantic web paradigm.
  • LACO-Wiki
    LACO-Wiki is a web-based solution for validating land cover and land use maps. Using a variety of reference layers including satellite and aerial imagery from Google and Bing as well as OpenStreetMap, validation is a simple four-step process.
  • WorldCereal Reference Data Module
    The WorldCereal Reference Data Module (RDM) is a reference data store on label data designed to support crop and irrigation related model training and validation. 


Event Date Presentation
CDB COP16 28/10/2024 COP16_Introduction of the WEED Solution